
Sunday, April 29, 2007

Scotty Beamed Up at Last

Actor James Doohan of Star Trek fame died two years ago at age 85. According to his widow, Wende, he had wanted his ashes sent into space, just as the show's creator, Gene Roddenberry, had done with his.

While the rocket launch was delayed several times, Doohan's ashes finally made it into space yesterday, along with former astronaut, Gordon Cooper, and 200 others'. It was the first successful launch from US Spaceport America, a private company. The trip cost nearly $500 but launches into deep space, starting in 2009, will cost significantly more - to the tune of $12,500!

Roddenberry's ashes were launched into space in 1997, six years after his death. According to Doohan's widow, he said, "That's what you have to do with me."

According to the article, the phrase, "Beam me up, Scotty," was never actually said in the series - neither on TV nor in the successful movie franchise.

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