
Thursday, May 17, 2007

Smallville Season Finale


Heroes, my ass!

Tonight's Smallville rocked harder than Paris Hilton's jail cell! After several weeks of filler - though there were some bright spots and they'll be good reruns - they finally got back to the matter at-hand. And they got to pretty much all the matters at-hand!

If you didn't see it or haven't yet, stop reading now, because I'm about to burst!

All of this is bringing them one step closer to lining-up with the comic. Well, they took like five steps tonight, but that's okay, since they put off taking the first pretty much all season. Again, they brought in some cool stuff - the JLA, Jon J'onnz, all that - but a lot of this season was filler and tonight, they threw down the gauntlet in a big way.

Chloe's and Lana's deaths pave the way for Clark and Lois to get together - which is so totally going to happen, since she's going to nurse him back to health. Seeing Bizarro was truly a master-stroke - the coup de grace of all seasons - even better than the cliffhanger they left us with the last time! It's barely 1/2 an hour off the screen and if it weren't for the fact that Supernatural is totally rocking me - harder than.. alright, alright! - I'd probably be gushing long-distance to someone. I'd find a chat line, if I had to.

I'm assuming Lionel is still around, but I can't say for certain. I either missed something or... something. I hope he is, because it will be interesting to see how he and Clark's mom get along, now that the whole thing is out in the open. I'll also assume that Lex is going to be around for at least one more season, given the way they left things.

Anyway, Supernatural is just great tonight, but it's been top-ladder all season. Still, I don't want to miss any of it so I can spoil it for all of you!

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