
Friday, June 08, 2007

On Paris (Then Off Again)

Okay, let's put this whole thing into perspective because, if you'll go back over the past few months and look both here and at the old extension of this blog on BloggerParty, you'll see I've been saying all of this since the start of Paris' entire criminal career:
  1. Paris Hilton was singled-out by the judge to be made an example of because she is a high-profile "bad girl"
  2. Paris didn't really do anything anymore different from most other celebrities, such as Tom Sizemore (I still don't know who the hell he is) and Michelle Rodriguez (I hear she's on some show), both of whom had far more serious charges and far more of them
  3. Paris Hilton is, in no way, cut-out to serve time in jail and never should have been sentenced to spend time in jail
  4. If you want to both teach Paris Hilton a lesson and make an example out of her, she should have been forced to do community service - that's a big "Like, duh"
  5. The cops in LA are completely corrupt and have been since Raymond Chandler was writing about them being corrupt
  6. The entire system set itself up for this one and they deserve all the ridicule and criticism we can possibly heap upon them
Paris Hilton should have been made to pay a fine and do community service, where she would definitely have been photographed. It would have been humiliating, but nothing like having a sex tape made without your consent (allegedly) and distributed worldwide; it would have been just the right kind and amount of public humiliation that would have made certain Paris Hilton never drove drunk again. And it would have sent a message to other celebrities and the people who idolize them to clean up their acts, as well.

Paris was singled-out to be made an example of and that's wrong; not all people charged with her crimes are treated the same way because they are not rich, celebrity socialites. Paris got out of jail early and will not have to serve this jail sentence because she's a rich, celebrity socialite and that's wrong.

Al Sharpton is trying like hell to make this a racial issue and it's not; everything Al Sharpton does or says is Wrong (with a capital W)!

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