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Thursday, June 21, 2007

TV Tonight - Smallville, Supernatural, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

There is some comics news here and there, but I was waiting for an update from a particular source which usually comes on Fridays and it hasn't arrived yet. Still, I have some stuff to keep us going through the weekend, even if it isn't that much. Of course, Hex comes on Saturday, so we'll get into that too.

Anyway, I wanted to mention Linda Blair's turn on tonight's Supernatural. It was a rerun, but I hadn't seen it. I've been critical as to Blair's acting abilities in the past. Of course, she was great in Exorcist and I understand she was good in some prison movie where she got assaulted, but she was still a child actor back then and they don't always become good adult actors. I've seen her in some other things as an adult and was, to say the least, less than impressed.

But her turn tonight on Supernatural, as a cop troubled by spirits, was absolutely brilliant! I mean, she was really good and since she let Sam and Dean get away and faced the Supernatural herself, there's a good chance she may make more appearances in the future. And I just want to go on record as saying I hope she does.

Tori Spelling was another whose abilities I'd questioned and she made an appearance on Smallville a while back and she knocked it out of the park. And I just saw Macaulay Culkin's first return to film as an adult and really enjoyed that (even though he was excellent in Saved!). Maybe some of these cats just need to get away from the business for a while to really find themselves or whatever?

Of course, the end of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip is literally only moments away. I think I'm the only one left who laments the end of this brilliant show, but lament it alone I do, nonetheless.

1 comment:

Manodogs said...

Yes, it did just occur to me that this is Thursday. Just now.