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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Conclusion of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

So I guess that's it, huh?

The info on the show said "Conclusion," and I don't think it is going to come back again next week, so what am I supposed to think?

Still, I want everyone to know that I was a full 20 minutes into the show without even realizing it. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip was simply that good. This was not the first time that's happened, either. This is really one of those shows where you suddenly look up and realize that it's about to go off and you can't believe an entire hour has passed.

And this is one of those shows where, when I saw the word, "Conclusion" in the front of tonight's episode description, I couldn't believe it was over.

I guess there's always hope for a mid-season replacement come-back, but it doesn't look good so I wouldn't get my hopes up. Like far too many good, intelligent, thought-provoking shows over the years - and specifically the last few years - Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip never really got a fair shake.

But if you saw tonight's episode, they can't just leave it like that! They have to at least tie-up loose ends, don't they? I mean, they've been talking about canceling it since the start of the damned thing, so it's not like they haven't had the time! Hopefully there are at least one or two more episodes that will put my mind at ease and who knows? NBC isn't exactly kicking ass, so there's always the slimmest chance that we may not have seen the last of one of the best shows no longer on TV.

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