
Thursday, July 12, 2007

Questions Swirl Around Jim Morrison's Death

New author, Sam Bernett, once owned a Parisian nightclub in which Jim Morrison was found overdosed on heroin one night on one of the toilets. Bernett says he asked a doctor in attendance to check on him. According to the specificities of the death, the doctor suggested the death was due to heroin OD. Bernett claims acquaintances of the late American rock star then moved the body into the bathtub in a hotel in order to tried unsuccessfully to revive him.

Common belief holds that Morrison died in the tub and though other biographers and fans agree there is some truth to Bernett’s story, most still believe Morrison died in the bathtub as previously thought.

No matter how you slice it, while The Doors hold a place in Americana and American rock history, Jim Morrison was no "tortured soul" or real "poet." Listen to his lyrics - listen to his lyrics! The Doors were a moderately-talented band led by a drug addict whose only poetic "license" was stringing together incoherent thoughts in such a way that made other doped-out hippies think he had something important to say - only because they didn't know what the hell he was saying or even where the hell they were!

No matter how he died, the only reason anyone talks about Morrison today is for the same reason they do Kurt Cobain: for better or worse, dying was the best thing that ever happened to them.

Hey, I calls 'em as I sees 'em, folks.

Bernett's new book is entitled The End: Jim Morrison. Bernett went on to become a radio personality, rock biographer and vice president of Disneyland Paris.

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