
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

TV - Burn Notice, Psych, Monk

Of course, tonight is a new episode of Eureka, but that needs no introduction (and shouldn’t need a reminder by now!), and I’m not here to discuss that.

I caught USA’s new show, Burn Notice, last night and I have to admit I was more than pleasantly surprised - that’s a damn good show! Kind of a smart-mouthed MacGyver meets Las Vegas, Burn Notice is smart, fast-paced, clever, and just plain fun. I really enjoyed watching it, but this is the first episode I’ve seen and I’m pretty sure it was not the first episode that's aired.

I also caught Psych’s 2nd-season premiere and, again, I was really shocked that I enjoyed it as much as I did - I laughed right out loud at a few scenes. The first season was just not very good. The scripts and plots were mediocre and the overacting was so silly and downright Adam Sandlerish that I spent more time being embarrassed for the actors than actually paying attention to whatever was going on.

But last night’s episode (a rerun of the season premiere) was smart and actually well-written. I did notice that they had shifted their original demographic dramatically: the first season was aimed at teens and tweens, while this go-round, they openly embraced their 30-somethingness - and the show was that much better for it.

And, of course, Monk is back for its 6th-season and even though it can really do no wrong, it’s almost never better than when Sarah Silverman guest-stars. Sarah Silverman, the self-proclaimed “hairiest woman in comedy,” is just too funny and her own show on Comedy Central is supposed to be returning... someday.

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