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Friday, August 10, 2007

I'm a Pusher

No one but me knows this and I wasn't going to make an official announcement or anything, since I figured it would become pretty obvious over time, but over this week (and hopefully through the next several) The Rundown has started hobnobbing (GROSS!) with some of the larger (and smaller - not to leave anyone out) companies, studios, distributors, and so forth. This means that we're receiving many more press releases and announcements and - hopefully one day - will start getting review copies for products before they hit the stores!

Obviously, we're holding onto these to have them signed and numbered and then we're shutting down the operations and moving into the e-Bay thing.

Okay, okay, we're not.

At any rate, we plan to give some of these things away when we get a chance, but we haven't received any just yet. While we're on this subject, we will have some gaming materials to give away once the site comes back online, as well as a very special interview you won't want to miss, but that's going to be in the Fall (for the annual Halloween/Spooky issue). There's no need to enter or do anything just yet; we'll keep you noted along the way.

But the important thing I wanted to tell you about is that the doctor gave me some pretty powerful pain stuff yesterday and I apparently demolished my house last night and can't find my checkbook, so I have some things to do before I can get to posting today. But, I will be here.

Also, if anything I said or did yesterday was just bizarre, I don't know what to say. That's what I get for operating heavy machinery...

Interesting side-note: I was burning-up all morning long, so I went to adjust the AC and saw that, at some point unbeknownst to me, had decided turning it on HEAT was a better solution...


sapheyerblu said...

Hi honey

Just wondered if you were planning on watching the new Flash Gordon show on Sci-Fi tonight.

Should be interesting

Manodogs said...

DAMN! Now I'm getting scooped by my own readers!

Yes, I do, Saphy. In fact, I have a Rundown to post in a few minutes on just that. Like I noted before, my new Rundown policy is to collect tidbits and then run them all down together, so it isn't always "news" by the time y'all get it, but it's still news if you haven't heard it!

I think I have an ad or two to post beforehand, but the Rundown is coming up in just a few.

Thanks again for voting for us, too! EVERYONE VOTE FOR US! The button is at the bottom of the sidebar, right above the sponsors list! Just click it once and then hit the "Vote!" button and you;re done! It really helps us and hopefully brings more readers to chat with!

Thanks again, everyone! And don't forget to check out Saphy's blog, Redhead Rants, found on the right under Redhead Rants!

sapheyerblu said...

Thanks babe.

I'm kind of excited about the new Flash Gordon. Do you remember the movie that came out in the late 70's/early 80's? It was pretty cheesy, but at the time, it was so cool.

Talk to you later and will let you know what my thoughts were on the show

sapheyerblu said...

Ok, now that the show is over, here's my view.

First of all, I don't like their "Ming". Not nearly sinister looking enough.

Everything else was pretty much where it was supposed to be, and I did like the whole "imex" thing. That was kind a cool.

I'm impressed with their choice of Flash, he's pretty hot. And finally, I can't wait until next week to see what happens next. LOL

Wonder if they'll have the flying guys?

Manodogs said...

I was out like a light! I saw part of it, but I was so goofy-eyed that I couldn't pay attention!

I'd really love it if you'd consider guest-posting from time to time and letting everyone know about things like this, Saphy! I'm really sorry I missed it and I think it would be great to hear from someone other than me!

Thanks for the update, too!

sapheyerblu said...

Wow, what an honor.

I did a lenghtier post about the show at my blog.

Check it out at

the post is titled I've Been Flashed