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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Actually Rundown

I have a lot more press releases to get out to you - a lot more than I even realized, in fact - but I honestly... talk about Rundown! I feel like I just got out of bed and have felt like that all day. I went to sleep extremely early yesterday - like sometime in the mid-afternoon or so - and slept the entire night through, even missed Eureka, so you'd think I would be well-rested. I guess I got too much sleep which is just... weird, really. I mean, how do you sleep too much?

Anyway, I kept thinking I was going to nap all day, so I didn't make anymore coffee after the pot this morning, but all I've done is doze here and there and still feel like shit. Now it's too late to make any coffee, but I still can't sleep.

I hope everyone's been watching The Business and The Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman - two of the funniest shows on TV! They show encore presentations on Wednesdays and new episodes on Sundays and I try never to miss one. Of course, with Ghost Hunters being on hiatus, I generally get to see them twice a week, but Bionic Woman premieres next week and Ghost Hunters returns, to boot.

Still, I have so much stuff to do and so much going on, I can't afford days like this. And coffee doesn't seem to have the kick it once did. I honestly think exercise would help, but it's not like I know from exercise. Maybe I'll buy a bike or something - that would at least give me some exercise and then maybe I could sleep better. Or at least more regularly. Either one would do me a world of good!

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