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Friday, September 07, 2007

Swedish "Art" Incites Muslim Protests

Well here we go again:

Some Swedish artist drew a cartoon of a dog with the prophet Mohammed's head. He claims it is "art." I put that in quotes for all sorts of reasons - not just because that's what he actually said.

While Muslim countries and organizations have lodged protests, Sweden's Prime Minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt, has agreed to meet with ambassadors from 22 Muslim countries in an effort to ease tensions. Since no one has been killed and no firebombings have occurred as yet, I can only assume that the newspaper doesn't have that large a circulation, but I am truly impressed that they were able to get 22 Muslims together without a murder, threat of violence, or firebombing.

That being said, let me return to the self-proclaimed "artist" who drew the cartoon:

Have you ever seen David Cross do stand-up? Now, as an actor, Cross is pretty good - he has great comic timing and adopts his roles fully. He was great in Arrested Development and he had some good turns in HBO's Mr. Show with Bob and Dave (even though the show was rarely -- very rarely -- ever funny). But his stand-up material is just bad. It isn't funny, it's not "edgy," it's just intentionally shocking and, at times, downright cruel and obtuse. I don't call that "comedy." And while that is, technically, my opinion, I submit that being shocking, or "edgy," is not the same as being funny. He is just one N-word away from being Michael Richards, and I think everyone can agree that that particular stand-up routine was not very funny.

So why is this Swedish artist seeking to push the envelope in such a way?

I haven't seen the cartoon in question, so I don't know the context in which it was presented, but unless this guy is as sheltered as he seems belligerent, I do not believe he is unaware of the recent problems similar cartoons have caused. And while I am one of the biggest supporters of freedom of speech, yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater is not freedom of speech: it's incitement.

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