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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Wildfires, Halloween, Horrorfest Movies on Sci-Fi

So all the news is talking about is the California wildfires - and let me just say this about that: our hearts and prayers and thoughts go out to every last victim and person involved in any way with this terrible tragedy - friends, family, firefighters - everyone. But there is other news and by this point, I really feel the media has made this into a fiasco. How many times do we need to hear and see the very same reports they have been showing for the entire week?

Again, it has nothing to do with my cynicism or lack of empathy/sympathy for those involved - far from it! - it has everything to do with the fact that every channel on the dial has shown the same interviews 5000 times, the same news clips, the same soundbites, the same pictures.

At any rate, I was flipping around to see if anything else was on and came across a great flick on Sci-Fi - an original - called Bloodsuckers. This is an absolutely fantastic flick I was hoping they were going to make into a series but so far, they haven't. It's only got another hour left, but it should be on again sometime and you can find it on DVD. Definitely worth the wait and/or price of admission!

They also had an ad on while I was watching for this Friday (may have been Saturday, but I'm pretty sure it was Friday) and they're going to show three of the movies that premiered at last year's Horrorfest, including Unrest and Penny Dreadful.

Hopefully, it will be a fun Halloween weekend and the fires will be under control by then.

Again, our most heartfelt prayers go out to everyone in California, their friends and family, and everyone else. We hope against hope that this terrible natural tragedy can be overcome in time to save more lives and property (and, regardless of what we keep hearing, one's personal property and material possessions comprise a big portion of their lives!).

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