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Monday, July 28, 2008

Get Your Cisco Certs

The cool thing about computing in general is that you really do not have to go to a traditional college. Sure, it can do nothing but help, but traditional colleges are expensive and generally have curriculum which demand you take literally dozens of classes which are completely unrelated to what you want to do and have no practical application otherwise. In effect, a traditional college education can financially bankrupt you, leaving you much worse-off than you were when you entered.

Have you considered getting your Cisco certification instead?

With broadband and wi-fi access penetrating ever deeper into countries worldwide, as well as the mobile device explosion, Internet Technicians are in higher demand than ever before - and that demand is only going to continue growing! With your Cisco certification, you can live anywhere and be assured a job in the computing field.

But say you do not want to work for someone else - large corporation or otherwise. With your cert, you do not have to. Start your own IT business and contract out to other firms or deal with the customers directly. Or you could always go into one of the many fields where your certification will come in handy on your own. Run a business from your very own home or rent business space elsewhere, as you see fit (and fits your business). If it fails, you always have the option of going back to work for someone else!

No matter what you decide, your first step is finding out more about the training you need - which is easy to do: just follow the link above to find out everything you need to know! Don't wait - get started today.

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