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Friday, August 15, 2008

Cooke, Bone, & Allred - MADMAN

14 August 2008 (Berkeley, CA) - DC: THE NEW FRONTIER author Darwyn Cooke will collaborate with writer J. Bone this November for an all-new story featuring Mike Allred's seminal creation, Madman, in MADMAN ATOMIC COMICS #14!

"Darwyn and I are like twins separated at birth," Allred said. "We dig all the same things and get ridiculously excited about whatever we're working on. We also throw fits whenever we're told 'no' by 'the Man', and, sometimes to our detriment, have a 'burned earth policy' when it comes to doing a project the way we want. Fortunately, we usually get the support needed to build our visions, and MADMAN ATOMIC COMICS is a prime example of that. Image Comics could not be more supportive in their backing me up with all my crazed paper dreams in MADMAN ATOMIC COMICS. They're just as jazzed as I am to invite Darwyn and mutual pal, and cool genius, J.Bone, on MADMAN ATOMIC COMICS #14!"

While Cooke and Allred have worked together on various projects such as CATWOMAN and THE X-STATIX, this will mark the very first time Darwyn and collaberator J. Bone have delved into a full story featuring Snap City's number one superhero. Their short, "Madman: The Movie," takes Frank Einstein and company down the treacherous road to Hollywood as a film studio intends to loosely adapt Frank's life story with some very strange results.

MADMAN ATOMIC COMICS #14, a 32-page full color comic book for $3.50, will be in-stores November 19th, 2008. In addition, Allred fans can meet the creator himself mere weeks before the issue's release on October 4th at San Francisco's Neon Monster.

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