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Sunday, February 01, 2009

Britney Spears Granted Restraining Order Against Ghalib, Lutfi

Britney Spears got a restraining order against former "boyfriend," paparazzo, Adnan Ghalib, and former "manager," Sam Lutfi on grounds that the two have been trying to "disrupt" the conservator order of her father. This move appears to have been made by her father, who is the conservator of her estate, though no one involved has been available for comment. Also included in the order is lawyer, Jon Eardley.

According to court documents, "...these three figures are working in concert to disrupt the conservatorship, with an utter disregard for Ms Spears' health and well-being." The judge granted the order based largely on the fact that he believes Lutfi has sent "anonymous, harassing and threatening" messages to Britney's father, Jamie. Lutfi has a long history of extremely questionable conduct, largely criminal in nature. Ghalib and Lutfi have "disappeared" and authorites have been trying to contact them for nearly two months.

Lutfi previously avoided legal documents being served him in regards to Britney Spears by simply refusing to answer his door. A previous restraining order expired in June and was not renewed, though Spears' attorney made an announcement, publicly ending their relationship.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

1 comment:

Manodogs said...

Lutfi has fired back, filing a suit against the Spears family for slander. According to the suit, he claims Brit-Brit's parents began a campaign designed to keep him away from her by defaming his name and credibility.

However, The Rundown did a load of research sometime back and found out that Mr. Lutfi has a long, storied, and well-documented history of behavior similar to that of which the Spears camp accuses him.

Lutfi's case will not only fail, he may well sue his way into prison - where he belongs.

We'll certainly keep you abreast of this one, as Sam Lutfi deserves a swift kick in the ass - and if he winds up in jail, his ass is going to be fielding more than that...