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Sunday, February 01, 2009

The Rundown on Fanboys (the Movie)

If you aren't aware of the whole Fanboys debacle, then you need to be retested before you can call yourself a "geek." Written in the late '90s, it follows four boys who break-in to Lucasfilms to catch early screenings of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace before it's released (yes, that long ago!). Originally made for under $4 million, Harvey Weinstein objected to the major sub-plot and had someone else reshoot several scenes, eliminating the entire impetus for the trip and changing the whole movie. Actual fanboys objected - hardcore.

A trailer for the movie originally appeared in 2006, but the release was delayed due to the backlash. Finally, Weinstein capitulated and brought the original director, Kyle Newman, and retooled the movie yet again. It is set for release soon.

But if you want to learn the whole story, check out this link to the New York Post, which explains it in detail.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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