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Monday, February 02, 2009

One More Day

No, this is not about Spidey, though I'm tempted to make a deal with Mephisto to get my Internet back up and going correctly. I'm typing this to you from the 98 box, using dial-up, but it's the only way Blogger will come up. The new modem did not arrive today as expected, needless to say.

Depending on what comes up I'll either bring you something here and there or not; I'm not wasting all day fighting computers, connections, and software updates.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

1 comment:

Manodogs said...

Is anyone else having problems with Blogger? I haven't had many problems actually viewing the blog from either station, but this one seems to come up alright in IE more often than FF, though it still times-out a lot there, too. I'm having almost no problems getting to it through dial-up on the 98 box under IE.

It isn't loading the whole dashboard, it doesn't load the entire post (none of the options come up - Compose/HTML; when I type in tags, it doesn't auto-suggest them from my list; when I go to manage posts, it goes to a blank page and says "Done" - that's what it does for almost everything, actually).

There are persistent problems in/around my general area with my network - MS, KY, etc. - but not specifically here and Blogger is the only site that's doing this. And it's been doing this for days now!