
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

On The Cave - A Review

The Cave has a beautiful cast - literally everyone is stunning to look at - and a great concept. The execution is awful, though. You can't see anything because of poor lighting and bad cinematography. I'm assuming the cameras were pushed in so close to everything to achieve a claustrophobic effect but it only succeeds in making it more difficult to tell what you are looking at.

A bunch of people decide to explore a cave that is legendarily rumored to contain some kind of great evil. Once down there, they find either one new species of life or several - I'm not sure. There's something about a rat/mole -like creature, then there is some kind of eel, then there are some weird scorpion-looking dudes, then there's the ultimate antagonist which is similar to a bug. Or they're all the same thing - again, I don't know because it isn't very clear and you can't see anything.

Worse yet is the editing, which is super choppy and MTV style. Scenes flash by. Incomplete sentences. Similar. SMASH CUT. Lights. Water. JUMP CUT. Close-up of something. Someone screams. Stuff. CUT. Extreme close-up of something. FADE OUT.

The ending is nice but comes about 30 minutes too late. The Cave might be better on a large-screen TV but, even then, I doubt you can make out what you're supposed to be seeing. Overall an okay film but ultimately a failure.

© C Harris Lynn, 2012

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