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Friday, July 11, 2014

Triggers and Tuners

So we got into an argument the other day as to how much  better drums sound with "triggers." As a percussionist, I kn ow those things can be utilized to evil means but, even before that (back in the late-1990s, early-2000s), everybody and their brother tried to convince me that I needed them - had to have them, can't play without them! - and I had to remind them that I had been playing (well, mind you) for decades prior to their release.

One of these friends happens to be a sound technician and before he could get on his little spiel, I had to remind him as to the aversion he and his friends had toward electronic tuners like you can find at musician friends back in the day. I think they use them to sing now but I know back then, they were used to tune stringed instruments and they were considered "cheating."

I'm all for advancement in all regards, I'm just also against falling for the latest trends and fads. Triggers have been around for about as long as tuners but I've yet to use them.