Hi guys! I told you posting would be spotty for a bit but that's due to work-related stuff. I don't have much for this week yet because of inclement weather, although I'm hoping to spend some time on it today.
The area was hit by an electrical storm back in mid-October which knocked-out my Internet, destroyed my cordless phone and modem, and screwed-up my dryer. I was pretty lucky; a lot of people lost TVs, garage door openers, refrigerators -- big-ticket items I could not afford to replace.
Then, a "mini-hurricane" hit us in the last week of October, destroying several places in this and a neighboring county. We were all without power and phone the following week, and water was turned off a few times for repairs at some plant or another. Although power was restored Friday before last, it has been intermittently disabled while they work and my tub now leaks terribly.
This past Friday, the phone suddenly quit working when the Internet is connected. Since it was the weekend, I figured I'd wait until today to worry with it, having completely forgotten that it is a Federal holiday. I have no idea whether or not the phone company observes these things, but I am still cleaning the house and have to prepare the area where they'd be working anyway, so one more day won't hurt.
Once again, I was lucky that I did not receive any direct damage from the storm. No one was killed (that I know of) but my parents' house was hit by two trees and a lot of homes and businesses were destroyed, so it's highly likely the utilities will be turned off and on without warning as repairs are ongoing.
With all of this going on, I can only get to posting as I can. I apologize, but this has set me back much further than I originally thought. Coupled with the holidays, it could well be the new year before regular posting resumes. I'll have a few posts here and there and, if luck should smile my way, I'll be able to spend a day or two scheduling them for the next month or two, but I can't make any promises.
© The Weirding, 2019
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