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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Have a Very Merry Christmas and Sh!t

Here's to wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and happy holidays!  I had hoped to do more this holiday season, stretching all the way back to Halloween, but technical issues unfortunately precluded that, so I hope this makes up for it:

Die Hard is playing on Crackle.

I am going to play myself some Sims... if I can.  I am going to eat myself too much bread pudding... and already have.  I am going to cook too much food... after I throw away all the Thanksgiving leftovers.  I am going to overindulge in drink... despite hating hangovers.

I'm also going to catch-up on some reading.  Here's some of my current pull-list:

There are tons more but those are the titles I'm hoping to read.  I spend way too much on comics...

If this sounds like a depressing or lonesome Christmas, I assure you, it is not!  I may get to spend time with family and friends along the way, but I desperately need some downtime to myself, so -- despite everything that's going on -- I'm going to try to get some.

There are still a handful of errant entries to come but we should return to regular posting after the New Year (God -- or whomever or whatever you celebrate -- willing).  For those of you who follow the other blogs, there are a few surprises headed your way there, as well. 

I hope everyone has a great holiday season and I promise to do my very best to have more seasonal tidings or whatever in coming years!

© The Weirding, 2019

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