A while back, reports surfaced that current Dr. Who, David Tennant, would be leaving the show - reports the BBC today denied. Fans know that actor Chris Eccleston left the show after the first series/season and other actors and characters have also come and gone (this season's ending included one of the most dramatic and unexpected, in fact).
Tennant is filming season three of the popular sci-fi show, but another season (to Americans, "series" in some other countries - a year-long contract of episodes, usually 13-22, but more and more are only going with six nowadays) has so far not been bought. Hex only ran for two series (seasons) and is apparently being shown on BBCA in a different airing order.
If you haven't checked out Dr. Who, I guarantee you that you will enjoy it, no matter your tastes. A lot like EUReKA, it's funny, dramatic, sometimes scary or sad; there's love and unrequited love, pain, tragedy; it's a real television show -- not just a genre cut-out to appeal to a select demographic so they can secure sponsors for that market. Or Baywatch. It's almost nothing like Baywatch.
It's well-acted, well-constructed, the scripts are tight and really wonderful, not over-produced with a bunch of cheesy CGI or "goofy" Buffy-type make-up effects... it's just a really good show and the BBC is good at making those.
Off-topic slightly, but my best friend used to run the most well-known Chris Eccleston fansite. She turned it over to someone else right about the time he signed on for Dr. Who (not BECAUSE he signed on, but another reason entirely).
I miss Chris Eccleston - Tennant has grown on me but WTF are we to do without Rose?
I am a Dr. Who fan from way back and I understand the change of companions and the actual Doctor are sometimes necessary.
My faves in the old school series was and will always be Tom Baker Doctor #4. He was also the longest running Doctor from 1974 thru 1981
Yeah, Rose's departure really shocked me! That was, it was... I really didn't expect her to go. I'm still a little floored by that. And yes, the doctors and companions change, but this quickly?
A lot of my friends were crazy over Dr. Who growing up and even though the local PBS affiliate showed it for a few years off and on, I never really got into it. I would miss them and the few times I did try to watch, I really didn't know what was going on. I just recently got into the new series and I'm really enjoying it!
But it really is hard to get used to an actor/character and then have him depart... much harder when it happens every other week or so! But I have to admit, now I'm dying to see the new companion!
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