
Monday, November 13, 2006

Comics and Cartoons

ATHF (Aqua Teen Hunger Force) has officially jumped the shark. I'd love to say something to defend it, but I shan't blow smoke. I'm as disappointed as anyone out there, but we have to face facts: ATHF put on its skis, said a word or two to Richie Cunningham, and jumped the friggin' shark. Nothing else should be spoken of this, ever again.

In fact, next week, ATHF has a celebrity prostitute for a guest-star (no, not Paris) and a cartoon named Assy McGee debuts, about a character that is literally a human rump and hindquarters. It actually looks kind of funny, but it also looks so much like a one-trick pony that I'd be remiss if I didn't mention it. It may turn out that the entire [adult swim] network has jumped the shark. I mean, if they had a better track record...

Oh! Voltron is replacing Gigantor at 4:30 CST weekdays. That's a saving grace.

I started all my comics subscriptions this month. I get them advance order, so I can afford two or three more than I'd get if I bought them at newsstand. I have been out of the loop for a very long time when it comes to the monthlies, so I bought a bunch of zombie comics because I like zombies. And, apparently, so does everybody else! There's been a real resurgence of zombies in the last few years. But, I figure I'll be good with them and after I see the previews for a month or two, I'll decide on the supers I want. I got Daredevil already and Moon Knight, too. I backed-off Uncanny X-Men because I don't know who any of the creative team are. Any suggestions are appreciated.

I got lucky and caught an A&E special on Superman Saturday afternoon, called Look, in the Sky, It's Superman! It gave a very replete account of the entire history up to the new Superman Returns flick. If it mentioned the one about George Reeves' death, I missed it because I left at the last ten minutes or so. Great examination of the iconic superhero, though. In fact, I don't have any gaming consoles because I don't game, but I saw that the Superman Returns video game is going to be released on the 22nd, just a week or so before the movie comes to DVD, and the video game really kicked ass. I may have to buy it and let my neighbors play it just so I can check it out.

The new Dr. Who season starts on BBCA sometime next week, I believe. I'm not 100% positive, but it looks like the one that's been playing already, Friday nights on Sci-Fi. This is a really good series, if you haven't checked it out. It's smart, funny, and fast-paced -- much like Eureka but with a much greater span of sci-fantasy.

Oh yeah, I knew I was forgetting something: Spiderman's Tobey Maguire and his wife had a baby girl early Saturday morning! Congratulations to them both.


Mayren said...

Basics: Spidey, Eureka and DR. Who all kick major booty.

athf = sad for Manodogs that they are leaving but not for the rest of us.

More on Dr. Who = Series 1 &2 have been completed in UK for awhile. Series 3 started filming the second week of August for the UK.
Last year the Christmas episode was part of the UK's series 1 - but US series 2. I can't seem to get a clear word from anyone at BBC when series 3 will premiere in UK. Prolly cause i'm a "yank"

IntricateGirl said...

I never got into Dr. Who, despite my best friend running the Chris Eccleston fan club. (I can't tell her this or she'll shoot me.) I've heard great things about it, but always had something else that I was already watching.

Zombie comics. So cool.

Manodogs said...

If you want to see an actual ATHF episode that's easily one of the better ones and completely in-line with the show's unique sense of humor (until recently), flip it on tonight and watch the first episode, "Dumber Dolls." Unless I'm wrong (and I could be, but let's be honest -- that'd be creepy, wouldn't it?), this is the one with Happy-Time Harry.

You will love it. You will laugh so hard, so often, that you will probably go blind.