
Monday, June 23, 2008

Uncanny X-Men #500 Sketch Variants - Sneak Peek!

Technically, I should keep better tabs on my collection. Sean's periodic newsletters remind me of the investing side of the hobby, but things like Uncanny X-Men #500 sneak up on me with damning frequency. There's no way I'm going to try for a copy now; they'll jack the price up straight off the truck. It will cool-off in a few months and I'll grab a couple copies just for completeness, but doubt I'll ever read them.

While I love Michael Turner's work, I actually prefer Terry Dodson's variant cover this go-round. It's cleaner, simpler, and more in keeping with the overall "feel" I get when I think of anything X. Besides the number, Uncanny X-Men #500 brings several other historic changes: the team has moved to San Francisco and the new team of Ed Brubaker and Matt Fraction take over the title.

Can... you know, just wondering - do you think Ed Brubaker could maybe just write every comic book from Marvel? Oh, he does? Good call!

His work is suffering with the overload; this time two years ago, Daredevil was the best it's been since Frank Miller left the title, and easily the best thing on the newsstands. Now, Brubaker's work is mediocre, at best - on just about everything he's working on - I bet even his diary is bored! You can't fault the guy for burning-out; he's having to switch gears completely at least 2349739 times a month just to keep up! But you can fault him for not saying "no" a little more often.

All in all, I suggest picking up a copy - but it's up to you as to which one you want to plunk-down your hard-earned cash on. It's all a toss-up and I wouldn't suggest spending $50 to get every variant and tin-foil cover they're sure to release. At any rate, regardless of the number of printings, Uncanny X-Men #500 will remain ultimately affordable because there's no way Marvel is going to skimp on the printing run.

Uncanny X-Men #500 hits stands July 23rd.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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