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Friday, November 07, 2008

FOX Launches Friday Night Sci-Fi

FOX has decided to launch a Friday night filled with sci-fi, including Joss Whedon's new Dollhouse and The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

Known for its inability to create lasting material, Fox has often been criticized for its many TV failures - the list of which is far too long to include here, but was recapped nicely in the return episode of Family Guy. But it appears someone there just might - finally - be listening.

One of the most oft-repeated criticisms of The Sarah Connor Chronicles had nothing to do with the show itself - it was the timeslot! Time and again, fans called for the show to be moved away from such heavy competition, into a timeslot where new viewers would have a chance to gravitate to it. While Friday night is the second least-watched night of TV, there is already an established fanbase for both Connors and Whedon, ensuring at least moderate ratings for the entire evening. Further, there is absolutely nothing else worth watching until 9:00pm (CST) - Sanctuary - because the network that runs that show suffers the same quick pull-out problem.

This is not only Fox' best plan of attack for any content in years (perhaps the network's entire existence), it is a boon for us sci-fi fans. Let's face it: Friday nights may be "date night" for some (or is that Saturday?), but for a lot of us geeks, it's gaming night! Besides, the current economic situation means more and more viewers will be around on these traditionally staid nights.

The best way to further this well-laid battleplan is to keep these shows, despite their ratings!

Even low ratings on one of the least-watched nights of TV are better than none and shows like these nearly always develop cult followings. It's a simply matter of opening a savings account vs. buying a lottery ticket: a safe bet. Add these to the list of venerable FOX shows, like House (moving to Mondays), Bones (moving to Thursdays), and... no, that's it, along with up-and-comer Fringe and powerhouse, American Idol, and FOX begins to look like an actual network!

Argue with me if you like, but I said their lack of two-hour premieres was a detriment and they changed that with Fringe. And I was right! While the premiere fared none so well, it drew more than double that number the following week! A re-airing of the debut on Sunday - another weak TV night - also helped.

Obviously, FOX knows what to do, the question is why they have not been doing it. My educated guess is older, and/or more "traditionally-minded" (read: kiss-ass), executives calling the shots.

Kudos to FOX for waking-up and actually trying something different. While Friday nights may not draw the kind of numbers these traditional executives like to see, I predict the Friday night sci-fi block will draw steady numbers - and that is what FOX really needs.

© C Harris Lynn, 2008

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