
Monday, September 11, 2006

New ATHF Episodes in October!

Yup. [Adult Swim] had a commercial for it tonight, right after Venture Bros., starring a real-life actor playing Meatwad, which said new episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force are coming in October. There is also an ATHF movie in the works, which you can find out very little about on IMdb. Apparently it is tentatively scheduled for release in 2007.

Thanks to all of our troops and our sincerest condolences are extended to those who lost friends and families on September 9, 2001.


Mayren said...

#1 - ATHF?! You're serious?

Duce: Teen Titans Flick - looking forward to it alot actually.Go Raven!

3) Battlestar Galactica was suberb it's first and most of 2nd season. I'm a little skeptical of it's 3rd season but i'm hook so what's a gal to do but cheer Starbuck on?

$$ 4 $$ Eureka is THE best and freshest story to hit SCi-Fi in awhile. I knew it was coming a long time ago from my fave site and friends here in LA but wow. So much character depth wrapped up in awesome writing, fantastic chemistry and laughter to escape to. Bravo Eureka Bravo!

Manodogs said...

Isn't it great?! Eureka is one of my favorite shows on TV! I love Tuesdays now, just for Sci-Fi -- Dead Like Me and Eureka back-to-back. I lock the door and take the phone off the hook at 6:00 and that's it for the night! I've even been watching rasslin, just because it's on after Eureka.

I watched the Battlestar Galactica thing last night, but I don't know if I'll get into it or not. Lots of history and a bit too serious-looking for my tastes, but I'll give it a shot.

I'm looking forward to Heroes, in particular.

I mentioned the Titans movie in a recent post. It's worth a watch. In fact, it comes on again tonight.