
Friday, October 27, 2006

Smoking Dud...

What's up with [Adult Swim] lately? Are they really hurting for ratings that badly? Has this whole losing Futurama deal got them running scurt?

First, after a two year wait for new ATHF, we get Dickesode... I don't know how you feel about that, but I certainly wasn't impressed - to say the very least. It was total Family Guy: Tasteless and shocking for no other reason. Now we get The Smoking Gun, a puppet show based on the website of the same name.

If you aren't aware (and I find it hard to believe anyone who's aware of this site/blog is unaware of it), The Smoking Gun is to the Internet what reality TV is to television: they dig up every celebrity and public figure's dirty laundry and splash it all over the web for others to gawk at. Ostensibly for "public knowledge" under the "rights of free speech and press," it's really just a cheap ploy to get traffic.

Shit like this is moral pornography:Iit serves only one purpose and The Smoking Gun's purpose is to make others feel morally superior to more successful/richer people. It is not so that you can see that these folks are "human too" -- and feel more aware of just how human humanity really is -- because people so enlightened don't surf sites like The Smoking Gun; it's for losers to sneer at Bill Gates' mugshot and think he "got what he deserved."

There's absolutely no reason for this show, which is nothing more than a poorly made rehashing of yesterday's celebrity headlines, other than to grab a larger share of the Family Guy mentality market. Why be good when you can be shocking?

Dickesode, anyone?

1 comment:

Mayren said...

I've gatta hand it to you there. The websites like Smoking gun are pretty useless to most people. I've heard about it from KROQ's Kevin & Bean but only after seeing your post did i actually visit the site. It's not that good.
I don't really care about Celeb Mug shots....