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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Heroes on Sci-Fi

Well, we knew it was going to come up at some point... after all, I don't care who you are or where you live in this country, when Idol hits, you're bound to hear about it. I watched one or two episodes last week or the week before, whenever it was, and it was more of the same. I've been disappointed by the outcome so often over the last five years that I decided I just wasn't getting into it this year. It's not like I ever really made it a "must-see" or anything, but it's had its moments. Still, the only good thing about American Idol is that it gives me something to watch, since everything I normally view when Idol is on is in its off-season.

So, there's Idol tonight at 8:00, but nothing really before or after. Unless you missed any of the recent Heroes episodes. Sci-Fi is showing all of the episodes since the homecoming back-to-back tonight, starting at 6:00 CST. I've seen them all at least once, so I'm not interested, but I will say the episodes have been more interesting since they returned from their Christmas "break." I was more looking forward to Studio 60 the other night, and still managed to fall asleep and miss it!

All in all though, there's not much on worth viewing unless you missed it the first time around.

For those who missed it, a small emergency the other night kept me from hanging the site on time, but the splash page for the first issue is going up in just a few minutes... most of the links won't work yet. Check the OddBlog for more information.

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