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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Things in the Works

Okay, I got the wireless mouse and keyboard installed on the main workstation and have been pounding out new stuff ever since. I am backposting this because none of it is really news and I need to for advertising reasons. I apologize if it screws up your RSS and LiveBookmarks. As usual, there is no ETA for any of this, but I thought I'd let everyone in on exactly what I'm working on:
  1. I am very serious about the website and am working on it often. One of the first mistakes I made (and one I worked hard to avoid, but knew I would make anyway) was not to work literally everything out on paper first. I worked most of it out and took copious notes (the pages where I was working with fonts are particularly lengthy and confusing), but I never made any real decisions on paper and then, when things didn't work correctly, changed everything in order to get it all uploaded sooner.
  2. The Cyberpunk Glossary. It was meant to be included in the first issue, but if you want to talk about "lazy coding," this is it! The list was made within a list within a textbox, so the actual HTML involved is a total mess (having been generated by the GUI and not handwritten). I have to clean it all up and reformat it using the GUI and system I am working with now.
  3. Personal Transport System statistics and discussion for all sci-fi and modern games. I'd like to work it out for the SAFE System right off, but since so little of it is up (and I'm sticking to the schedule with hanging it), I'm not sure what universal format it will take.
  4. Some more Cyberpunk bits, including SmartArmor and the Space Elevator.
  5. Update to the new Blogger template and settings, which I'm hoping only takes about a day. You may remember I had upgraded for a few weeks, then went back to the old style because I could never get the damned thing right and everytime you change anything, you have to have it in exact reverse order as to the way you want it to appear because you can't rearrange elements once they have been posted. It takes a bit of getting used to and a definite, written-down plan of attack because any mistake results in having to restart the entire process from scratch.
  6. The next (Spring) issue, with more of the same. I'll hang this other stuff as it gets done - both just to get it up as well as because I kept telling y'all I'd have it and I didn't.
  7. The comic book WIP (Work-In-Progress). I'll post thumbnails and pencils in the future.
Other than that, I bought over $200 worth of household appliances and such last week, and I need to get them all in place and get my house in order. I passed the inspection with flying colors, but I did so largely by shoving things wherever they "fit." Now I have to actually clean and organize the place, but I don't have a deadline for it. That's one of those jobs you never get done anyway.

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