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Friday, January 12, 2007

More Boringnessosity

Alright, I think I'm going to move The Rundown over to The Weirding domain, which theoretically should not only not be news, but shouldn't even be noticeable. Of course, the whole reason I am posting this is because it may very well end up being an incredible pain in the ass, so please hang on for a few.

You might have noticed The OddBlog got deleted. Well, there is a backup of it and all, but the server is trying to set things up where new users can just hit a button and install a WP blog on their site and the CGI got hosed, so I can't even get into the damned thing. At any rate, it is things like this that have kept us from meeting our deadlines. For anyone coming from the site who hasn't been here before (welcome!), this is where the gaming and comics talk goes on off the boards. This doesn't mean much now, but may be important for historical purposes (that sounds a lot more high-falutin' than it's meant to).

I'd like to personally apologize to Matt Thompson, 70-30, and all of [adult swim] for not getting their interview up sooner. For those of you what don't know, there was absolutely no reason for those cats to talk to a nobody like me, but they did, they were perfect gentlemen, and I did not live up to my end of the bargain because I said I was going to have this thing up and going like a month ago and I haven't gotten it up and going yet. I won't make excuses for it and I won't point-out that William's Street's AV Club has yet to get their own site right (in fact, I won't point-out how I couldn't access it via dial-up for over a year and how they lost my username and password and all of that and they've publicly admitted they couldn't get on their own website from their networked Macs!)... I mean, I wouldn't want to dredge all that up - just be a waste of ink, right?


Well, I won't bring it up AGAIN. Gah! Like I'm even like that.

I mean, gah.

In all seriosity though, they're going in for their final stretch of the season and I had this little Q&A in the bag a month ago, so it's totally on me and I hope that their studio and the whole gang doesn't hold it against me or anyone else publishing with me. I totally understand that whatever little publicity it will give them would have been much appreciated and I am truly sorry. In fact, you can see the mock-up of the first page of the interview, but I know it is ugly (that's what mock-ups are for!). It's not a real interview, just a Q&A sort of thing - you know, for shits and giggles.

I'd also like to personally apologize to all of you who have been waiting for the site to go up because I really shouldn't have been making promises that anything would be up at any specific point in time when I knew full-well that there were technical issues that might (and would most likely) preclude my meeting these deadlines.

The original plan, lest I continue to repeat myself, was to develop the website offline and FTP it, in toto, to the server. This did not happen due to the fact that I did not have the foresight... OKAY! Due to the fact that I did not bother to really get my hands dirty and roadtest every program I thought I might need. In my defense (again), I have been doing this for many years and the real reason I didn't "bother" to do this is because I know that every server is different and - it's one of those things where you just can't make it work the way you want to. But I admit that I was fully aware of that at the time that I made those obligations and that I really did lie down on the job.

Lastly, I'd like to send my exceedingly pretty friend, Jessica, my deepest condolences on the passing of her grandmother.

1 comment:

Manodogs said...

I also noticed everyone dropped me from their RSS feeders. Is it because I keep making them all wonky? It is, isn't it?

Well, I'm just so sorry.

Actually, I'm trying to make double-checking my time and date on each post a habit and there are a LOT of Drafts to be published, so please bear with me.