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Monday, April 30, 2007

The Weirding @ DragonCon

You've probably noticed the pick-up in sponsored posts lately and I know this may turn some readers off. Personally, I don't mind sponsored posts so long as they're fun to read and I try to make sure they all fit into whatever we're talking about. Further, I try to pick sponsors that I either think y'all will be interested in or that have some personal interest or significance for me. For instance, I made a few posts several months back about purchasing a humidifier, so when I saw a sponsor for that, I went on and took it; it wasn't just because it was something I'd already talked about but also because I needed one, so I figured someone else might, too. My sister and brother-in-law are/were avid paintballers, so I like that sponsor. And a lot of readers are comics collectors, so I'm always on the look-out for sponsors that have to do with investments, collecting, and so on.

But the real reason you've seen more recently is very simple: we want to attend this year's DragonCon. Now, we're not 100% positive that we're going to be able to just yet, but a lot of whether or not we can really comes down to whether or not we can afford to. We're not going to have a booth or anything, but we're definitely going to be posting from the con and hopefully get to talk to some folks and get some cool swag to scan and maybe even share with some lucky readers.

Memberships are very reasonable for the four-day event, but we ain't sleeping in the car, and we ain't sleeping in the lobby. And we sure as heck aren't going to live for 4 days on nachos and Ro-Tel. All in all, we're hoping to send at least two of us to the event for all 4 days. We are amateur/professional photographers, artists, and writers (meaning to say we've gotten paid for these things at least a few times - and not just online), so we've got the equipment, experience, and know-how to make sure we cover it well and - if everything works out like we hope it will - maybe we'll be able to make it an annual event.

It's going to cost us some dinero though - especially if gas is still $3-4.00/gallon by September! - and we're hoping to offset that by taking on some additional sponsors. Since many of the other blogs in our little group either just got going or have recently been hacked, we don't get so many offers on them. Of course, this is only fair, since the gaming and comic book thing is done here anyway.

But we've got a lot going on aside from ads - especially with the Spider-Man 3 week, the return of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, Hex, Eureka, and more - and it looks to be a really exciting summer for both gaming and comics, so fret not - we have a plan... let's just hope we can coax it to fruition!

Again, nothing's definite yet, but we'll keep everyone informed as to how things are going as they go.

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