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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Comics Rundown - Batman, Sienkiewicz, Miller, More

I know, I know. I've said it before: what's the point of getting all this inside information if I don't pass it on to you while it's still news? But this month (thank God we've reached the end of it!) was a real ass-kicker, so I'm not down on myself for not getting to this stuff sooner. I really need to get my stuff together, though.

We've got a lot of comics news for you today, and much more on the way throughout the weekend, so remember, alcohol may intensify the effects of this blog:
  • DC is releasing several Batman figurines this Fall. They stand 12" and the one to be released in November was designed by Jim Lee.
  • Lionsgate will distribute the Frank Miller Spirit movie.
  • Miller and Dave Gibbons are teaming up once again to bring us Martha Washington Dies. This 24-page one-shot will include Miller's plotting, as well as original art from the first series and the rest.
  • Legendary artist, Bill Sienkiewicz, provides a variant cover for Flash #14.
  • Horror magazine, Fangoria, is releasing a comics line this summer.
  • Sam Keith will do a two-issue Batman/Lobo crossover series to be released in August.
  • Stan Lee is appearing on Fox Movie Channel's Life After Film School this month.
And that's your comics Rundown for May 31st, 2007.

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