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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

George Michaels' Defense? He Was On Drugs


No, really.

George Michaels' defense attorney said today that the former singer and songwriter had "a cocktail of drugs" in his system when he was arrested in October of 2006, after being found slumped over the wheel of his Mercedes in London. Of course, this was a doctor's prescription cocktail. Sentencing comes June 8th, one day before he is scheduled to appear at a concert in Wembley Stadium.

Since the arrest, George Michaels has admitted to being addicted prescription medication and has always contended that what he did was "something very wrong." A "therapeutic amount" of anti-depressants were found in his bloodstream, as well as traces of GHB and marijuana. But court magistrates contended that the drugs he was on do not matter; his behavior is what is at issue.

You have to give it to Michaels: he's been very forthcoming about the incident and has accepted full responsibility for what he did. If only all the other bad girls would do the same.

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