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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Bad Mood?

I know I've been griping and sniping the past couple days, but the truth is that I'm not in such a bad mood or anything. A little sleepy, thanks to the meds I got for my neck, but aside from that, I'm okay.

I just... this has been one of those days where every other news piece I see ticks me off! If it isn't someone attacking the general things I enjoy, it's a whole group of people, or it's something so blatantly stupid that I not only can't believe it made the news, but I'm angry that no one else has stepped-up to the plate and noted how stupid it is!

I don't know Lindsay Lohan personally (though I wouldn't mind it - call me!), and she may very well have a substance abuse problem, but I know for certain that most young Americans - both male and female - have a period of young adulthood in which they don't always do the right thing. I feel this idea that these celebrities and the media are selling to young people is far more harmful than a public drunk charge - this idea that the best way to avoid serious trouble is to immediately blame it on substance abuse and check yourself into rehab, even if you don't really think you need rehab. And, let's be honest, most of these people don't need rehab; they need a firm smack on the ass (call me!).

I've never been to Mexico, so I can't say that they treat all Americans the way they did Miss America, but I can safely say that if they can't control themselves any better than that, then I never want to go there. And even though I'd long since made up my mind on the whole illegal immigration debate, that whole debacle really cemented my position. What right do these people have to sneak into our country, then demand we allow them to stay? And why the hell should we let them? They have taken, and will continue to take, food out of the mouths of legal citizens - both those of us who were born here and those who immigrated here legally.

So, while there is some entertainment and comics news that I'll get to as the day (and night) progresses, today's just been an exceptional day for news stories which get under my skin. I'm not sure why more people aren't upset by these things or see them for what they are, but so long as I'm walking around my apartment, thinking about them and arguing with myself, I figure it's worth it to present my opinion in hopes that others will see my point of view.

Why? Because I want things to change. And most Americans don't want to be bothered with this stuff until it happens to them - then it suddenly becomes a travesty!

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