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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Mexicans Boo Miss America

Did anyone else see this? I didn't watch the Miss Universe Pageant and I don't generally care about such things, but I saw on the news last night how terribly this backwater country treated this little thing - this delicate, little flower - and I was simply appalled.

Doubly so when I found out that the pageant had been held in - of all places - Mexico!

Now, I want every bleeding-heart, every liberal mind, out there to stop right now. This is ridiculous. These people feel entitled to come and go in our country as they so please and this is how they treat us when we go to theirs!

They refuse to stand up in their own country and demand higher wages, less corruption, less violence, or any other change for the good, but they are very comfortable demanding such things from our country. Here we are, arguing over whether or not we should give their citizens who have illegally entered our country amnesty, and they're booing our representative in a beauty pageant!

Had she been some sort of political ambassador, I would completely understand; I might not have agreed, but I'd have understood. Since she's just some anorexic model chick that can hardly walk straight, I'm flat-out offended.

Regardless of how you feel about amnesty or Mexico or immigration, it's time to face the facts: these people are not good for our country. They're not good for their own country, but that's really not our problem. If they want to stay in Mexico and boo young girls, that's their business, but I sure as hell don't want to give these people the right to act like that in my country. We've got enough problems of our own!

And so sorry, Mr. Trump, I just don't care if they were booing "American policy," that was not a forum for political speech; it was completely inappropriate and they should be harshly and openly criticized for their collective inability to behave properly.


Anonymous said...

If the Mexicans don't have any more gratitude for America and the people that we have sent to represent our GREAT and GENEROUS COUNTRY, then seal them to their own (for lack of a better word) LOSER AND DEGENORATE Country that they don't like, but are too lazy to change. They think someone owes them a better lifestyle.Little do they stop to realize how many Americans paid with their lives to get the life and the freedom we all enjoy as a result of such a huge sacrifice.When you see what we saw on world wide TV and what they truley think of us they DO NOT DESERVE TO SHARE ANY OF WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER!!!!!!!!!! Ron....

Manodogs said...

I could not agree more. I am truly offended by this whole incident because this was not the proper forum for such "political" statements, if that's even what it was.

People like us are being called "racist," "xenophobic," and all sorts of ugly names and definitions because we want more border security and a better life for our own citizens. Yet we aren't the ones who hung the American flag upside down, nor would we boo Miss Mexico if the Miss Universe Pageant had been held here!

And you bring up a very good point about how our soldiers have fought and died for what these people are trying to take advantage of - especially so soon after Memorial Day.

I think all Americans - regardless of race, creed, religion, political persuasion, or any other dividing factor - should be upset over this, if for no other reason than if we don't make a stink out of it, we're basically saying we don't care how our people are treated by foreign people and/or in foreign countries.