
Saturday, June 23, 2007


Paris Hilton is like so getting out of jail Tuesday. While you're going to hear far more about this than you really care to over the next few days, we got in on the Paris train (and then stood in the shower and poured Peroxide over our naughty bits for an hour while shaking and crying) and we're gonna Own It.

My feelings changed as the story went on, but I'm human. At the end of the day, I hope Paris Hilton finally sees America for what it is, fires her illegal immigrant employees, refuses to pay her taxes, and spends her millions of dollars actually trying to make the world a better place instead of incorporating her personality and image into yet another "autonomous entity" free from the scrutiny of such wee, little people as We.

Let the Revolution begin!
Now that you see how it feels to be treated like the rest of us, Paris... can we count on a contribution to our cause?

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