
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

More Michael Moore

I meant to say a little more on Michael Moore and his work the other night, but I just... the very second I hear his name, I just see red. It isn't about his political views - I have to agree that the present administration has not done a very good job in most any area, excepting corporate. It's about how he goes about doing what he does.

I wanted to say that I agree the American health system needs to be tackled head-on. It's a corrupt, terrible system, and we all know it is, even if we haven't faced it firsthand. But the main problem I have with Michael Moore is that he creates a lot of controversy by manipulating facts outright. That means that he gives his opponents all the weaponry they need to tear his arguments apart, then he blames them of "dirty pool" before they ever get a chance to do so, and that's just wrong.

If Moore wants to make a real point with his work, he should present the facts - the real facts - without all the spin and manipulation. This is the same problem I have with all people of his stripe: they are the first to accuse others of all manner of "-isms," of all manner of dirty politics, and yet that in and of itself is dirty politicking. Like those cats from the SPLC who basically accused everyone who watches Lou Dobbs of being "white supremacists," then attempted to twist every "fact" they presented completely out of context. While those guys didn't have a valid point, Michael Moore has made some valid points with his work.

But here's the real reason I don't like Michael Moore, and it's something the rest of you might not remember: he had a show on Comedy Central waaaay back in The Day. It lasted all of about 5 minutes and for good reason: the whole show was a political form of Jackass. He just made fun of people - no, let me rephrase that - he just made jackasses out of people. Just random people on the street and in public places. He would all but attack them outright in some cases and it was downright ugly. I didn't like Michael Moore long before he ever made a movie and I've only seen pieces of his films because of it.

And before anyone jumps on me, let me reiterate that I am not critiquing his work nor criticizing his politics or beliefs; I don't like Michael Moore, the guy.

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