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Friday, June 22, 2007

Clooney vs. Concrete

George Clooney is fighting to keep the mayor of his small Italian town from further developing the area around his Lake Como home. The mayor of the Italian town, Laglio, is proposing to add more concrete to the area, paving over beaches to make parking lots and a pontoon bridge.

Clooney attended a town meeting and added his name to a petition signed by many of the area's residents who are also against the development. Clooney thinks this development is directly due to his living there, making both he and his home a local attraction, as the lot and bridge would be surrounding his villa. Clooney has said he will be forced to move if the mayor goes through with his plans.

The head of the residents' committee opposing the plans has called them "invasive for our town, and our lives," and hopes that Clooney's signature adds some much-needed star-power to the petition to stop construction.

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