
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Fumbling Fingers Fudged Your Feeds

If you woke up this morning and got halfway through the first post in your RSS and thought to yourself, "Hey, I read this already!" do not fret. Your creamer didn't turn and your coffee isn't decaf; I saw some glaring typos and misprints over to The OddBlog earlier and decided I'd give the ol' Rundown the rundown.

I'm guessing that many of the regular readers are either bloggers themselves or... well, that's about the only guess I can make. At any rate, you likely realize how easy it is to make a mistake and not catch it when you're typing furiously with one eye on the TV. I even have a cool add-on in my browser which underlines misspellings, but since it underlines proper nouns and all sorts of other stuff, you get used to overlooking it as well, so it's only worth so much.

Still, while I may not be a bestselling author (yet) and this is "just" the Internet, we do have some standards which we try to maintain, and when I saw some of the errors I missed, I was all like, "That's not right! Mo-om!"

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