
Thursday, June 28, 2007

On Bill Cosby

We've got a whole buttload (not to use a bunch of jargon) of celebrity news to get to today, including Paris, Rosie and her Holy Terror of a kid, Chris Benoit, and more, but Bill Cosby was on Wolf Blitzer yesterday and he made some really important points that I wanted to mention for anyone who didn't see it.

Dr. Cosby (he has a PhD in Child Psychology, and one or two more, I think) is very disturbed about the rising number of deaths and the increasing culture of violence and gangland activity in American youth and he said what I have said many times over: "It's not just the blacks... it's the poor." He called on "the invisible white America" to stand up and speak out, and he's talking about us: you and me.

I couldn't agree more with this, and I just want to point out that I have been speaking out about these things at every turn. Not to toot my own horn, I'm just saying that I agree that these should be more important issues for all of us. Of course, I would be remiss if I didn't point out that, Dr. Cosby aside, many in the black community continue to be the ones who insist on a separation between the races; a lot more of the "invisible whites" in America would be concerned with these issues if fewer black activists didn't try so hard to make it a minority/black issue. When they try to ram it down our throats as to how we don't care about black people and so forth, we absolutely turn a deaf ear to it because, if they want to make it into an "Us vs. Them" situation, then We - rightfully - figure it's Their problem. Why wouldn't we? We have problems across the board, so if the black community has a problem, the black community should handle it.

Thank God for people like Dr. Cosby, who have the nerve and wherewithal to stand up and remind us - ALL - that these are AMERICAN issues!

But I disagreed with him when he said we shouldn't blame our leaders and we need to say we believe in America. I do blame our leaders and I do not believe in America. I'd love to believe in America, and I am trying in my own little way, to celebrate some of the great things about our country, but let's be honest: America has been conditioned to lie down and is sold-out.

I'll give it a little more time, but the white eyes that stole this country have raped it and murdered it and the wake is drawing to a close.

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