
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Smallville! WTF?!

Okay, so I have relatively few indulgences in my life. Well, positive, reasonably healthy ones anyway. One of these reasonably positive and generally not-so-unhealthy habits is TV.

So they canceled Hex a year before I ever saw the first episode. So I ended up falling in love with it and am now launching a small campaign to gently coerce BBCA into picking it up for another season or 19. Will it work? Maybe, maybe not; others have been trying since it was first canceled in the UK. We'll see how it goes.

So they bring out this massive dramedy with a zillion storylines and the greatest ensemble cast possibly ever assembled on television called Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, then they cancel it right out from under me and the other 9 fans. So I'm trying like hell to get more people to watch the last few episodes in hopes that NBC will realize the folly of their ways and retool it for maybe a mid-season replacement show. Will it work? Maybe, maybe not; we'll see how it goes.

So today, after Lou Dobbs, I flip on over to the ol' ABC Family to see my daily dose o' Smallville.

Only to find that it is not there.

Apparently, they've also removed Gilmore Girls from the schedule as well, but that's not really such a big deal. But let's get back to the Hex, Studio 60, Smallville thing a second, can we?


Is the current Presidential administration running the TV schedule, too?! It's like they don't listen to anyone - they just do whatever they want and get away with it! Well, not this time.

Just so you know, ABC Family, this is ONE 32-year old white male adult who will NOT be watching your network!

Yeah... that one doesn't... doesn't seem as strong, does it? What with demographics and target audiences and all-such...

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