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Monday, July 30, 2007

More Rundown Comics News Coming Shortly

Well, I’m not exactly sure what is going on with the blog. Google Analytics says we had exactly 0 visitors yesterday - none, nada - but I know that can’t be right because we had like 4-5 comments and I read the blamed thing myself, so if nothing else, we should have at least registered a handful of visits...

I bring this up only because that was the first day I posted so many press releases and I wondered if everyone liked that or preferred I actually read the releases and post my own thoughts on them or whatever. I kind of thought they would generate some interest, since so much of the Comic-Con coverage focused on the movies and not the comics, themselves.

And I’m nowhere near done. I have tons more comic book information to get out to you, but I also have to change my oil, so it may be tonight or even tomorrow before it all starts getting posted (most likely tonight, I hope).

There’s also a little celebrity news here and there (Lindsay, anyone? I’ll take two, and a dozen doughnuts - to go!) and some info on the new Simpsons flick.

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