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Sunday, July 01, 2007

The Speakeasy

We've been through this over and again, but for better or for worse, The Rundown, The OddBlog, and Weird Ink are just as much a part of The Weirding as everything else on the domain itself. So while I actually handle the site's technical stuff over on The Wording, the forums (The Speakeasy) and other things like that have something for everyone, across the boards, so I sometimes stop through and let people know what's up so they can check it out for themselves.

I told you I was working behind-the-scenes lately, as well as on a new major project to be released before the big issues come out, and I thought I'd let you know that I'm having some issues on the website (as usual). This is what it is: pretty much everytime I decide to actually tackle something online, at least 43509475023974 other things come up which really impede my progress and push things back much further than I'd hoped.

Working on The Speakeasy has been one of those times today. I am trying to come up with a template that better fits the overall theme and they have since changed the program and it's not letting me do what I want, and thought would be pretty easy, to do. I don't know if these are bugs in the system or if I just can't figure it out on my own just yet, but it's been over 3 hours now and while I did get a new look for it, it isn't tweaked out the way I want it just yet, so just go with what you have for now. I sent them a message, but they are notorious for their lack of support and, with it being a Sunday, I didn't expect much anyway.

I also deleted a whole list of what appear to be spammers, with names like "youngboy," "youngboys," and the same name spelled 14 different ways ("keabras," keabrais," "kaebras," etc.), so if you got deleted accidentally, just re-register. Just a quick FYI, filling out your profile is a pretty good indication that you are no mere spammer or run-of-the-mill jackass, and since it only takes like 2-3 minutes to do it, why not? A picture is a plus as well, even if it is not necessarily a real one of yourself. This helps me and other moderators think twice before deleting inactive or "spammy-looking" accounts.

The Speakeasy is the forums for all of The Weirding bits - all the blogs, the features and departments, S.A.F.E., and everything in-between. Not to mention just a fun board to hang out on and flirt, flame, meet folks, promote your own blogs and projects, and have a general good time. So I'd really like to see more people come by when they can, but I realize it's a little effed right now and I'm working on it as often I can - just like everything else.

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