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Monday, July 02, 2007

The Speakeasy is Up and Running!

Yes, it took basically all day yesterday, but The Speakeasy is finally up and running correctly. I did some playing around on it and everything seems to be working just fine, but I'm sure there are going to be some bugs and gaffes I've overlooked and that need to be worked out along the way.

I have some comics news to bring you throughout the day, as well as some stuff to discuss over to The OddBlog and an entry on blogging over at Weird Ink, but aside from those, I have some specific pages to try and layout and publish today on the site itself once I run some errands.

What happened is that I was working on those yesterday when I saw I had a private message on the boards and I couldn't figure out where in the hell the entrance was to to get into it. In figuring that out, I came across a whole bunch of other stuff as to how to modify it, along with some new features the package had added since I last messed with it and, before you know it, I was knee-deep in tweaking the boards. Luckily, though it has some work to go, The Speakeasy is up and running full-fledged now.

Like I said, I went through and pruned some of the funkier screen names and all the asshats who left the spam (along with the spam messages - like I want to buy a Honda!), so if you got deleted by accident, just re-register. I haven't banned any IPs or names yet or anything, so you shouldn't have any problems.

I'll probably get to the news as soon as I get back, then spend the majority of the day working on the site again, but we'll see how things go when I get back.

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