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Thursday, August 23, 2007

New Ruckus Over Religious Cartoons

Malaysian religious rights activists are up in arms over a cartoon purported to show Jesus Christ drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette. Protests are being held and they are calling for the newspaper which ran the cartoon to be shut down and the editor in charge of it to be fired.

The reasoning behind this has little to do with Jesus Himself, who preached acceptance and love for all, but more to do with the recent hub-bub over similar cartoons Muslims killed people over and bombed buildings because of, which showed the image of their Prophet, Muhammed. Christian activists in Malaysia want the same respect for their beliefs.

Don't people in Malaysia have enough problems with child prostitution and sweatshops and so forth? I mean, they might as well be protesting Pluto's classification here; there are far more important things going on in the world, as well as in their immediate area, that should take precedence.

But I guess they don't have the guts to protest those things.

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