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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What I Missed Most

More press releases on the way before we get into the juicy celebri-news I've been talking about for the past few days. I mean, it's not like we found Lindsay Lohan or anything... heck, I can't find anything in that closet. Still, I am missing just chatting about innocuous celebrities and goings-on, so I will have to get to them shortly.

But that's what I stopped to discuss real quick:

Since I got out of the hoosegow, I have talked to friends and family, drank, listened to music, cooked and eaten well - and all of these things are great and wonderful and I suppose I missed them. But being here in front of this blog, babbling like the idiot I am over comics and goofballs what make moving pictures? This is what I have really, honestly missed. This pulls me out of any hangover, makes me happy, and I can really do it all day.

I just thought to myself when I sat down to get to work this morning: how weird is it that, of all things in the world one might wish one had, was doing, whatever, the thing I missed most was my job!?

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