
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Kathy Griffin vs. Jesus

Kathy Griffin's acceptance speech for her show's Emmy win Saturday will be censored by the E! Network when televised, as dictated unto them by the Catholic League. The Catholic League is not necessarily directly responsible for the molestation of young boys, but the Catholic Church has very recently agreed to pay-out hundreds of millions to victims of the Church's unabated child molestation "ritual." And the Catholic League supports them whole-heartedly.

Nonetheless, they don't like comediennes knocking Jesus.

Griffin took a dig at Jesus in her acceptance speech, noting that " one had less to do with this award than Jesus. Suck it, Jesus!" The Catholic League called it "vulgar, in-your-face... hate speech" and suggested she "make a swift and unequivocal apology" to "85% of the U.S. population."

Well, Ms. Griffin, while I am a Christian, I am not waiting for your apology. I accept that you have your own beliefs and think you said what you did in an attempt to be humorous. What you said may have been blasphemous to some, but that's on you; it has no bearing on me whatsoever.

Michael Donohue, the Catholic League president or whatever, said that Griffin's refusal to apologize to Christians will mark her "a bigot for the rest of her life."

So, that's how that works, Mr. Donohue? Then what does that make a guy who supports a church known worldwide for its child molestation practices and decades-long cover-ups? A church which openly calls safe sex practices "a sin against God" and this belief can be directly linked to the AIDS pandemic throughout the world's largest country?

For the rest of your life, Mr. Donohue: your rules.

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