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Friday, September 07, 2007

Lindsay Lohan and Dad Reunite

Lindsay Lohan and her estranged father, Michael Lohan, reunited for the first time in three years yesterday. Michael Lohan said that his ex-wife, Dinah Lohan, did not disclose to him information about a "Family Week" at the Utah-based Cirque Lodge rehabilitation center, where Lindsay is being treated, which occurred last week. The patriarch of the Lohan clan missed the event and the rehab center made special arrangements for him to visit with his estranged daughter.

Michael Lohan has been a vocal supporter of Lindsay's, wishing her well on her rehabilitation efforts and openly hoping for a reunion. Michael has had drug and alcohol problems of his own, having recently been released from prison on a two-year sentence on various charges. He had to get permission from his probation officer to leave the state and go to Utah to see his daughter.

Reports say that Lindsay met her father in the parking lot and ran into his arms, where he swung her around. The two then spent several hours visiting. Michael Lohan would not comment on his and his daughter's relationship, but called the reunion "amazing."

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