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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Slow Days

I know things have been slow here this week and I can't blame the holiday - at least not on my end - though I do believe it is part of the reason we haven't received much news so far. I have some stuff to get out to you, though.

I got my book the other day and started reading it earlier. It is as good as I remember, but I'm just barely into it. I can say that since I started it, I've had troubles putting it down! That's always a great thing.

I had to run around and pay bills earlier in the week, and then my folks had some computer and car problems that ate up most of the past two days, but I am here now and I'll be working.

I can say this much, the website is really coming together, and so is the gaming system (SAFE). I'm still waiting for some money to come in so I can renew the domain name -- which I have to do by next week -- and then everything should be just fine. Again, if you start getting "File Not Found" and "Website Not Responding" messages after next week, leave me a comment and I'll give you the new IP address so you can surf to it that way.

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