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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Weirding is Back Up!

Finally! The Weirding appears to be online now. I guess it did take a full 72 hours for everything to get together with the new pointers. There is not a lot there yet. I have quite a bit to get on there, but there's no real ETA as to when everything will be available. I am going to first try and get all the old stuff back up and then add the new content a bit at a time. As I discussed earlier, this host or my FTP program or something don't seem to want to play together very nicely, so I'm having to first create the directories through the host manager, then wait for them to appear in my FTP program, which seems to be taking several hours, usually. That means that even if I create the directories I need on there right now, it will most likely be late tonight or tomorrow before I can upload the files.

The good thing is The OddBlog is finally back up and going! Weird Ink should be back online by tomorrow. I still have more press releases on the way, but I'm trying to kind of spread them out since several of them are a few days old.

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