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Monday, September 17, 2007

We're Um... Somewhere

Well guys, we are trying to move The Weirding... in fact, we did move! I think. I renewed The Weirding domain and updated the pointers last Thursday, but I have been checking the site throughout the weekend and it's still pointing to the old one.

While there isn't a whole, whole lot up on the new one, part of the reason I haven't done more is because I was waiting for the pointers to update. I mean, a load of it is ready on this end - all I need to do is FTP it to the new host - but I want to make sure everything's gone through okay before I do, you know? I mean, if they're going to turn around and tell me something didn't go through right or whatever, I don't want to waste all that time redoing what I've already done.

Anyway, I'm about to logoff and give them a call and see what's going on and I'll get back to you shortly. There are a lot of press releases to get to you from over the week - I've been very busy with the site thing.

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